We love our neighbor and choose to serve our community.
With a heart to rescue the orphan and serve those in need, ITHM has the privilege of caring for our local Kenyan communities. In times of crisis and desperation, we value sharing our time, talents, and resources with the purpose of being the hands and feet of Jesus.
Since the Lawrences returned in 2016, ITHM has been able to offer assistance to families affected by severe poverty. After a nearby slum called Kuwinda burned to the ground, more than 2,000 people lost everything. In partnership with disaster relief organizations like the Red Cross, ITHM was able to provide food, water, mattresses, and medicine to its residents. In 2017 the seasonal rains brought torrential downpours which flooded the shanties of many families in a local slum. ITHM was again called upon and we provided mattresses and food to some families who lost everything in flood and sewage waters.
Similar stories are not few and far between in Kenya. We are so thankful for our generous ITHM family who are generous, making it possible to reach out and offer love through practical support.
Our hope is that every person discovers Jesus' great love.